Tuesday, I drove to my parents house in New Jersey to celebrate Thanksgiving. First, I stopped at Tamerline Farm Sanctuary in Montague Township, New Jersey. Prior to the visit, I have never been to an animal sanctuary. After the tour and interacting with animals, it was an unforgettable experience. I would highly recommend visiting a sanctuary over zoos and aquariums. The animals were very friendly and excited by my presence. The educational tour guide was pleasant and very knowledgeable. If you would love to find out more about Tamerline Farm, click here. The animals will appreciate it.
After the Farm Sanctuary, I stopped at High Point Park to hike the Appalachian Trail. The weather was beautiful outside so I got in a little over eight miles total. If you hike that portion, be careful of all the rocks sticking out of the ground. The trail had some drastic elevation changes but it was a nice workout.
Thursday (Thanksgiving) morning, I ran in the Krogh's Turkey Trot 5K race in Sparta. My father and sister also participated in the race. They posted very good results and I'm very proud of their effort. Despite not running the past few days, my goal was to do the best I can while not exhausting my body. My final time was just under 21 minutes (20:56). This is the quickest 5 kilometers I have ever ran. Of course, I was very pleased with the result and finished inside the top five for my age group (44th overall). Thank you very much to all the sponsors, event coordinators, volunteers, safety personnell, and residents for making this race possible.
Thanksgiving (Thanksliving, for all the vegans) was very enjoyable. It was wonderful spending time with the family these past few days. Now, it is back to training. Hope your holidays were filled with prosperity and happiness.
Happy Running